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Elisha's Persistent Pursuit

 The Invitation

Recently, in a time of prayer, I heard the Lord speak this phrase to me: "If you want it, here it is! Pastor Oscar Come and get it."

I feel God has a current message for us in this exchange that took place between the two prophets, and the events that transpired afterwards.

We know that when Elisha and Elijah were traveling together, a company of prophets asked Elisha if he knew that the Lord was going to take Elijah away from him that day. Elisha's response (to me) was quite humorous: "Yes, I know, so be quiet" (see 2 Kings 2:3). Then, as if to test him, Elijah told Elisha to remain where he was while Elijah traveled to Jericho. Elisha's response again revealed an intensity, as he said: "...'As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you'..." (2 Kings 2:4).

This whole scenario happened again; this time Elijah was headed to the Jordan. Again he encouraged his friend, Elisha, to stay while he traveled on. Again, Elisha refused, and it was on this journey with Elijah that he became a witness to a miracle that must have stirred him deeply. He saw his mentor, Elijah, take his cloak (or mantle) and strike the waters of the Jordan so that they parted to the right and left.

It was following this miracle that Elisha requested of Elijah to inherit a double portion of his spirit. "'You have asked a difficult thing,' Elijah said, 'yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours—otherwise, it will not'" (2 Kings 2:10).

We know that Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind that day, and because of his persistent faith, Elisha was present to witness the miraculous event. What followed has a particular significance for us today.

Pick It Up!

Elisha then found Elijah's mantle that had fallen and he picked it up. It's important to see here that the mantle didn't fall on Elisha's shoulders, but instead he had to bend down and pick it up. Friends, we do not need to rush past this significant moment! We know that God distributes gifts and callings on His people, but we play a role in the 'picking up' of those things when it is time.

God has raised you up and trained you for such a time as this. You may have been in a waiting season, but for many of you, the waiting is over. It is time to pick up that thing for which you have been called. It's time to take that step of faith and take ownership of your mantle as Elisha did that day. (Photo via UIHere)

The mantle of a prophet was a special garment usually made of fur or animal skin, distinctive in appearance and recognized by the culture of that day. Elisha didn't just pick up any garment; in this intentional act, he picked up his inheritance and assignment for his generation. What is God asking you to pick up?

"Where Now Is the Lord, the God of Elijah?"

Elisha's next act revealed that he knew it was time to place a demand on the promise of his inheritance. In a bold move, Elisha imitated the act of Elijah and struck the waters of the Jordan with his newly acquired mantle.

"He took the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and struck the water with it. 'Where now is the LORD, the God of Elijah?' he asked. When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over." (2 Kings 2:14)

The phrase "Where now is the LORD, the God of Elijah?" has been echoing now in my spirit for several months. God is wanting us to see something in this gutsy act of Elisha. Elisha knew the source of Elijah's power was the LORD God Himself. Elisha knew that the only way he could operate in a double portion of Elijah's spirit was if God came through for him. Elisha's back was up against the wall and he knew it. It was a 'now or never' move when he uttered that cry: "Where now is the LORD, the God of Elijah?"

God orchestrates things for many of us in a similar way. We may find ourselves with a call on our lives that we know is too large for us alone. We can only fulfill that call if God comes through for us. He is asking His people to step out in the same spirit as Elisha and not shrink back because we can't fully see how He will fulfill things. As we step out in faith, making our own cry for Him to come, He will surely honor that faith.

Yes, Elisha crossed over! Elisha crossed over into his inheritance and destiny that day. There are many of you who feel that you are in a time of waiting for your destiny to unfold. You know, deep within, that God has more for you. Many of you have received promises and prophetic words spoken to you about things that are yet to unfold. This story holds within it some important keys for stepping into the destiny God has prepared for you. This is a NOW HOUR for obtaining those breakthroughs and seeing your own waters part.

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FREE GIFT Presented By Oscar Smith

Our Father God Who Gives To Us Generously By Oscar Smith Are you at the end of your rope, weary, cast down, about to give up? I challenge you to answer the following questions with a simple yes or no: Does the Word of God promise to supply all your needs? Did Jesus say he would never leave you but would be with you to the end? Did he say he would keep you from falling and present you faultless before the Father’s throne? Did he promise you all the seed you need to spread the gospel? Is he more willing to give than you are to receive? Is Christ greater in you than he that is in the world? Are God’s thoughts toward you good thoughts? Is he a rewarder of those who diligently seek him? Is he preparing a place for you in glory? Is he coming in the clouds to gather his people home? Are you going with him when he comes? Your answer to all of these should be “Absolutely, yes!” Now, take inventory. Ask yourself, “Do I really believe God is faithful to his promises or do I waver in my trust? How well do I know God’s Word and his assurances?” Scripture clearly says, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord” (James 1:5-7, NKJV). You can lay hold of God’s wisdom, all the wisdom needed to solve life’s problems, if you cast your very life and future on this promise and believe with no wavering. God gives wisdom liberally to all of his children.

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THE BEST DAYS ARE AHEAD BEGINNING WITH THANKSGIVING OSCAR SMITH, Host of Hot Topics Boom NOVEMBER 22-26, 2021 KEEP SPEAKING YOUR THANKSGIVING Read the book of Ephesians like a letter because that’s what it is—a dynamic gospel letter, written to regular people. Beginning in the fourth chapter, the Apostle Paul gives corrections to the church members in kindness and love. If you have thanksgiving in your heart, it’s going to come out of your mouth. Read the book of Ephesians like a letter because that’s what it is—a dynamic gospel letter, written to regular people.  When an instruction comes from the Bible, we, as believers, cannot put off onto God what He has relegated to us. II. Beginning in the fourth chapter, the Apostle Paul gives corrections to the church members in kindness and love.  God gives us instructions and we need to take corresponding actions.  “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts” (Ephesians 4:22). o You put off your former corrupt life, your way of doing things.  “And be renewed in the spirit of your mind” (Ephesians 4:23). o Be renewed in your mind. Enjoy correction. It’s done in love, and it’s for your good.  “Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil” (Ephesians 4:25-27). o This is a vital key: The motive of your work must be love.  “Let him who stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth” (Ephesians 4:28). o Give to those who are in need. o Let your words and attitude be of praise to God; and edify and build up others, instead of expressing a bad attitude. III. If you have thanksgiving in your heart, it’s going to come out of your mouth.  Whatever is in your heart in abundance, your mouth will speak.  Whatever we pray about doesn't inform God. He already knows. First, we pray— then heaven moves on our behalf.  The prayer of agreement is still active in the earth. o Whatever you bind or loose on earth is bound and loosed in heaven (see Mathew 18:18-20). o If any two of you on earth ask, then it will done by the Father in heaven.  Put praise in your mouth, now! MAKE IT PERSONAL Did you know you can control what you think about? You can stop unproductive thoughts by simply telling yourself to think about something different; think about Jesus! Put praise and thanksgiving to God in your thoughts and your words. It’s up to you to monitor your thoughts and your words so that they line up with God’s WORD. Write two things you can think that will please God and move you to thanksgiving. 1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELEBRATION THANKSGIVING IS A LIFESTYLE It's Thanksgiving week in the United States—a national holiday dating back to its beginning days.

Hot Topics Boom Worldwide Theme Song

Hot Topics Boom Shoutout to First Lady Pennie & Mike Reese, Pastor!

Happy Thanksgiving Worldwide Family

Optimistic Optimism

November 23, 2021 Oscar Smith, Hot Topics Boom
What is Optimism And Why It's Important If you are interested in becoming an optimist then this article is for you. Most people have heard of optimism but not everyone is clear on what it really is. Never believe that you are born an optimist or you are not. This is total nonsense. You can become an optimist at any time during your life despite your background. Here you will learn the definition of optimism, the traits of an optimist and the explanatory styles of an optimist and a pessimist. What is Optimism? Optimism is defined as the belief that good things are likely to happen in the future and that there is good in every situation. Optimism is based on the belief that there is good in people, while pessimism is based on the belief that people are generally bad. Optimism is a state of mind. It is possible for anyone to develop an optimistic mindset at any time. When you are an optimist, you will see any setback in your life as an opportunity for you to learn and grow as a person. Here are some benefits of being an optimist: • You will be a positive thinker which can help reduce stress • Optimistic people see the silver lining in every circumstance, leading them to better outcomes. • They are generally more upbeat and engaging, which can improve relationships with family and friends. Optimistic people generally perceive life as more fun. Optimists are confident in their abilities and plan ahead to create a bright future for themselves. They tend to be a lot happier than pessimistic people. Traits of an Optimist Maybe you think that you are already an optimist? It is important that you understand the common traits of an optimist so that you can develop the same traits. Here are some of the common traits that you need to develop: • A positive feeling about the future • An expectation that good things will happen • A belief that you will succeed in life • The belief that any challenges are an opportunity for learning and growth • The past can be a useful reference and that is all An optimistic does not let any issue, whether it is large or small, dent their enthusiasm for life. When an optimist sets goals, they expect to be faced with some tough challenges. These help the optimist move out of their comfort zone and grow as an individual. Explanatory Styles of an Optimist and Pessimist You can tell that a person is an optimist or a pessimist by two things: 1. The way they talk about events that have happened in their life 2. The way they write about these events An optimist is confident that all of the positive events they have experienced are down to their abilities and the actions that they took. The way that an optimist will describe a negative event is that it is just temporary and that they learned from it and moved on. Conversely, a pessimist will explain a positive event in their life as fortunate because they have no belief in their ability. For negative events, this is the norm for them and proof that the world is against them. Conclusion Optimism is all about having a positive outlook on life. An optimist will be confident about their future because they will have set goals and worked hard to achieve what they want. Optimists are confident in their own abilities and tend to be a lot happier than pessimists.

Be Thankful for the Healing Oils of the Bible!

There is Wonder Working Power Oils Oscar Smith, November 23, 2021 Healing is mentioned countless times in the Bible. We know that as a result of the curse of Adam and Eve, disease, sickness and illness are realities of our world. Anyone at any time can get sick. We also know that there are many things that can happen to our bodies that can cause us our bodies to break down. Sometimes, these things are so serious that they can disable us. A great assurance that we have as Christians is that our God has the power to fully heal us, to eradicate any ailment from our body according to His Will for us. There are a number of oils listed in the Bible that have healing power that can assist when we are in need of healing. People who lived during biblical times relied on these oils for their healing properties. Here are 6 oils of the Bible that we can turn to for healing power right now. Frankincense We commonly think of Frankincense as one of the gifts the wise men presented to Jesus following His birth mentioned in Matthew 2:11, “And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” While it is popularly mentioned in the Christmas story, it is also referenced in other parts of the Bible and is believed to promote skin cellular health. It also thought to build a healthy immune system. Frankincense is also mentioned in Exodus 30:34-36, “Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Take fragrant spices—gum resin, onycha and galbanum—and pure frankincense, all in equal amounts and make a fragrant blend of incense, the work of a perfumer. It is to be salted and pure and sacred. Grind some of it to powder and place it in front of the Ark of the Covenant law in the tent of meeting, where I will meet with you. It shall be most holy to you.’” It is a natural healer and was used during biblical time to assist in the healing of almost any disease that people had at the time. It was also used during holy rituals as incense. People use frankincense today to shrink tumors, boost immunity and decrease inflammation. Myrrh This is another one of the gifts the wise men presented to baby Jesus. What you may not know is that is one of the most highly valued and desired oils. It is referenced as early as Genesis, “And they sat down to eat a meal. Then they lifted their eyes and looked, and there was a company of Ishmaelites, coming from Gilead with their camels, bearing spices, balm, and myrrh, on their way to carry them down to Egypt” (Genesis 37:25). It was part of the daily regimen of people living during biblical times. Myrrh is now used as an antibacterial agent. Some even use it to control diabetes and a number of skin disorders including eczema and chapped skin. There are also people who use it to cure fungal infections like ringworm. Hyssop People living during biblical times relied on herbs like hyssop. It was prolific in the Middle East and was used in a variety of ways. During that period, it grew in Egypt , in the desert of Sinai and in Palestine but today, we have access to it outside of the Middle East. It was often used in ceremonial offerings and cleanings. You may remember it being mentioned as one of the ingredients in the sponge used to soak up the sour wine given to Jesus on the cross. It is referenced in Psalm 51:7, “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” It is also referenced in Exodus 12:22, “Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. None of you shall go out of the door of your house until morning.” While it is commonly associated with purification in Scripture, in today’s application it is used to open up circulation and stimulate creativity. Aloes (Sacred Sandalwood) Aloe is mentioned five times in Scripture. If you’re wondering why the plant is on the list, it’s important to know the biblical context. When aloe is mentioned in Scripture, it is referenced to it’s aromatic extract from a tree’s heartwood, used for healing and embalming. Nicodemus brought a hundred pounds of herbs including aloe to prepare Jesus for His burial (John 19:39). This showed that aloe was a preservative for the dead. It is also referenced in Psalms 45:8, “All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad.” Another reference is in Proverbs 7:17, “I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.” Some consider aloes or aloewood to be the same as sandalwood because they share the ingredient, A. agallocha which has powerful healing oil component. This was used as an incense and cosmetic oil. Aloewood is also recognized for its benefits as a stimulant and cardiac tonic. It also said to have many digestive benefits too. Cinnamon You,re probably wondering why cinnamon is on this list but what many people don’t know is that the Bible lists cinnamon as an anointing oil and an attractive sent. Cinnamon is related to a bark called cassia, a fragrant bark that is ground into powder. It is referenced several times in Scripture. One reference is Psalm 45:8 which says, “All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia; from palaces adorned with ivory the music of the strings makes you glad.” It is also referenced in Exodus 30:22-28: Then the Lord said to Moses, “‘Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant calamus, 500 shekels of cassia—all according to the sanctuary shekel—and a hin of olive oil. Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil. Then use it to anoint the tent of meeting, the ark of the covenant law, the table and all its articles, the lampstand and its accessories, the altar of incense, the altar of burnt offering and all its utensils, and the basin with its stand.’” While it is a common spice and used as a perfume, cinnamon is also used in sacred anointing oil. It can also be an incredible aid for illnesses like stomach ulcers. Balsam Fir Fir oils come from fir trees which have come to be the most popular type of Christmas tree. What you may not know is that they are recognized for their highly medicinal properties. Two references in Scripture include Isaiah 60:13,“The glory of Lebanon will come to you, the juniper, the fir and the cypress together, to adorn my sanctuary; and I will glorify the place for my feet.” Another reference is 2 Samuel 6:5, “Then David and all the house of Israel played music before the Lord on all kinds of instruments of fir wood, on harps, on stringed instruments, on tambourines, on sistrums, and on cymbals.” The wood from the fir tree was used during biblical times to make musical instruments but today has even more healing applications. The fir oil can be used as an anticoagulant. It is also used to fight arthritis, throat and sinus infections along with urinary tract infections. If you have any doubts that Christ has the power to heal, you can find assurance in the Bible. There is no record in the gospels of Jesus turning away anyone who came to Him for healing. We also know from Scripture that there was no sickness or disease that was too difficult for Him to heal. How amazing is that? While we know that these oils and their properties can do great things for our bodies, it’s important that we remember that only God, the Father has the power to heal us through the agency of the Holy Spirit and make us whole again.

University of Illinois Talk Of The Town!

It is an honor to live in a town with amazing neighbors like the University of Illinois. ROBERT J. JONES, CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA-CHAMPAIGN (Pictured).A MESSAGE FROM THE CHANCELLOR It is my privilege to serve as the tenth chancellor of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. As I said on the day when the Board of Trustees made my appointment official, this is my dream job. And in many ways it brings my life and career full circle. It has everything to do with a day in a field in Southwest Georgia when I was nine years old. I was supposed to be picking cotton. Instead, I was distracted thinking how in the world this green plant could create this fluffy white ball. That was the day I started on the path to becoming an agronomist. That path led to degrees from Fort Valley State College and the Universities of Georgia and Missouri and to a 34-year faculty career at the University of Minnesota. The land-grant mission is in my blood, and I am a proud product of it. And as chancellor at Illinois, one of the original land grants established by the Morrill Act, I have the opportunity to help ensure that my experience is one that any student can have in this century of higher education. We need to find ways to make that story possible for everyone no matter where they start, what their parents do, or how fast the technological, economic and political changes come at us. And we need to find ways to make that story one that isnt limited to four or five years of life, but to the educational needs of a whole lifetime. Its perfect timing as we begin the Sesquicentennial year at Illinois that we turn our focus on our own academic future. In a time of financial uncertainties, demands for greater accountability and when questions around social equity and social justice are forcing fundamental reevaluations of everything from our admission policies to our investment strategies, we have an opportunity to demonstrate different paths forward. We have to respond to the realities on the ground here but no one says we have to do so in ways that are expected or status quo. This is a time for educational innovation. And this is a place that knows more about innovation and invention than any other. Together, we have a tremendous opportunity to redefine what the world can and should expect from a great public research university.

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OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — U.S. food banks already dealing with increased demand from families sidelined by the pandemic now face a new challenge — surging food prices and supply chain issues walloping the nation.

The higher costs and limited availability mean some families may get smaller servings or substitutions for staples such as peanut butter, which some food banks are buying for nearly double what it cost two years ago. As holidays approach, some food banks worry they won’t have enough stuffing and cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

“What happens when food prices go up is food insecurity for those who are experiencing it just gets worse,” said Katie Fitzgerald, chief operating officer of Feeding America, a nonprofit organization that coordinates the efforts of more than 200 food banks across the country.

Food banks that expanded to meet unprecedented demand brought on by the pandemic won’t be able to absorb forever food costs that are two to three times what they used to be, she said.

Supply chain disruptions, lower inventory and labor shortages have all contributed to increased costs for charities on which tens of millions of people in the U.S. rely on for nutrition. Donated food is more expensive to move because transportation costs are up, and bottlenecks at factories and ports make it difficult to get goods of all kinds.

If a food bank has to swap out for smaller sizes of canned tuna or make substitutions in order to stretch their dollars, Fitzgerald said, it’s like adding “insult to injury” to a family reeling from uncertainty.

In the prohibitively expensive San Francisco Bay Area, the Alameda County Community Food Bank in Oakland is spending an extra $60,000 a month on food. Combined with increased demand, it is now shelling out $1 million a month to distribute 4.5 million pounds (2 million kilograms) of food, said Michael Altfest, the Oakland food bank’s director of community engagement.

Pre-pandemic, it was spending a quarter of the money for 2.5 million pounds (1.2 million kilograms) of food.

The cost of canned green beans and peaches is up nearly 9% for them, Altfest said; canned tuna and frozen tilapia up more than 6%; and a case of 5-pound frozen chickens for holiday tables is up 13%. The price for dry oatmeal has climbed 17%.

On Wednesdays, hundreds of people line up outside a church in east Oakland for its weekly food giveaway. Shiloh Mercy House feeds about 300 families on those days, far less than the 1,100 families it was nourishing at the height of the pandemic, said Jason Bautista, the charity’s event manager. But he’s still seeing new people every week.

“And a lot of people are just saying they can’t afford food,” he said. “I mean they have the money to buy certain things, but it’s just not stretching.”

Families can also use a community market Shiloh opened in May. Refrigerators contain cartons of milk and eggs while sacks of hamburger buns and crusty baguettes sit on shelves.

Oakland resident Sonia Lujan-Perez, 45, picked up chicken, celery, onions bread and and potatoes — enough to supplement a Thanksgiving meal for herself, 3-year-old daughter and 18-year-old son. The state of California pays her to care for daughter Melanie, who has special needs, but it’s not enough with monthly rent at $2,200 and the cost of milk, citrus, spinach and chicken so high.

“That is wonderful for me because I will save a lot of money,” she said, adding that the holiday season is rough with Christmas toys for the children.

Many people also rely on other government aid, including the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP.

Kate Waters, a spokeswoman for the USDA, which administers the SNAP program, said there were no immediate plans for an emergency boost in SNAP benefits to compensate for the rising food costs. But she said that previous moves by the Biden administration such as the permanent increase in SNAP benefits earlier this year and a fresh wave of funding for food banks should help ease the burden. In addition, Waters said the fact that schools are open and offering free lunches and, in some cases, free breakfast, should also help.

Bryan Nichols, vice president of sales for Transnational Foods Inc., which delivers to more than 100 food banks associated with Feeding America, said canned foods from Asia— such as fruit cocktail, pears and mandarin oranges— have been stuck overseas because of a lack of shipping container space.

Issues in supply seem to be improving and prices stabilizing, but he expects costs to stay high after so many people got out of the shipping business during the pandemic. “An average container coming from Asia prior to COVID would cost about $4,000. Today, that same container is about $18,000,” he said.

At the Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado in Colorado Springs, CEO Lynne Telford says the cost for a truckload of peanut butter —40,000 pounds (18,100 kilograms)_has soared 80% from June 2019 to $51,000 in August. Mac and cheese is up 19% from a year ago and the wholesale cost of ground beef has increased 5% in three months. They’re spending more money to buy food to make up for waning donations and there’s less to choose from.

The upcoming holidays worry her. For one thing, the donation cost to buy a frozen turkey has increased from $10 to $15 per bird.

“The other thing is that we’re not getting enough holiday food, like stuffing and cranberry sauce. So we’re having to supplement with other kinds of food, which you know, makes us sad,” said Telford, whose food bank fed more than 200,000 people last year, distributing 25 million pounds (11.3 million kilograms) of food.

Alameda County Community Food Bank says it is set for Thanksgiving, with cases of canned cranberry and boxes of mashed potatoes among items stacked in its expanded warehouse. Food resourcing director Wilken Louie ordered eight truckloads of frozen 5-pound chickens —which translates into more than 60,000 birds— to give away free, as well as half-turkeys available at cost.

For that, Martha Hasal is grateful.

“It’s going to be an expensive Thanksgiving, turkey is not going to cost like the way it was,” said Hasal as she loaded up on on cauliflower and onions on behalf of the Bay Area American Indian Council. “And they’re not giving out turkey. So thank God they’re giving out the chicken.”


AP reporters Terence Chea in Oakland and Ashraf Khalil in Washington contributed to this story.


15 popular gifts to buy now before they sell out


15 popular gifts to buy now before they sell out


— Recommendations are independently chosen by Reviewed’s editors. Purchases you make through our links may earn us a commission.

This holiday season, experts are predicting product shortages and shipping delays galore in the weeks ahead due to high demand. That means that waiting until the last minute—or even the last few weeks—could leave you desperately searching for one of the few products still available or paying out the nose for rush shipping.   

Tackle your holiday shopping early with deals and expert advice delivered straight to your phone. Sign up for text message alerts from the deal-hunting team at Reviewed.

The smart solution is to start your holiday shopping ASAP, especially if you have your eye on one of the year's most popular gifts. Below are 15 of the top gifts that everyone will be buying this year that could sell out quickly once peak shopping season hits. We recommend snagging these items—which includes everything from the coveted AirPods Pro to the celebrity-loved Ugg slippers—now while you still can.

►Hate returns? Kohl's feels your pain and is doing something about this ahead of the holiday season

►Holiday shopping: 38% expect to spend more this year. Here's how to avoid going into debt.

1. Apple AirPods Pro

Walk into any gym or just stroll down the street and you're bound to see a lot of people sporting tiny white buds in their ears. Help your music-obsessed giftee jump on the Apple bandwagon with a pair of the wildly popular AirPods Pro, which our experts ranked as the top wireless earbuds. When we tested them, the upgraded version of the iconic white buds performed the best in all categories, including sound quality, battery life and range.

Get the Apple AirPods Pro from Walmart for $189.99

2. Keurig Coffee Maker

A coffee maker is one of those gifts you could get pretty much anyone on your list—which is why they tend to fly off the shelves. If you're buying one now, we recommend the Keurig K-Cafe, which our experts dubbed the most versatile single-serve coffee maker out there. It brewed the most flavorful cup of joe in just minutes and even has an attached milk frother for when your giftee wants to get a little fancy.

Get the Keurig K-Cafe from Amazon for $199.99

3. Amazon Echo Dot

If last year was the year of the Echo, this year is the year of the Echo Dot. It has all of the features of the Amazon Echo, but at a fraction of the price, making it the best entry-level smart speaker, according to our experts. The newest 4th Gen. Dot, while still a tiny four inches in diameter, even has a majorly improved speaker for better sound quality and is a great gift for anyone who wants their first smart speaker or who already has an Echo and wants a complementary device for another room.

Get the Amazon Echo Dot (4th Gen) from Amazon for $49.99

4. Gravity Weighted Blanket

Regular blankets are great, but weighted blankets are even better—or at least they make for an even better gift in 2021. Of all the ones on the market (and there are a lot thanks to the growing trend), we found the Gravity Blanket to be the best. It has a super soft velvet exterior that's made for curling up in and provides just the right amount of pressure that's not too light, but not too heavy.

Get the Gravity Weighted Blanket from Gravity for $195

5. Kindle Paperwhite

If you own—or have ever used—the Kindle Paperwhite (11th gen), you understand the hype. It's our experts' top Kindle because it features a larger display, lighting temperature controls and fast USB-C charging. It's likely to be one of the most popular gifts this year, so don't hesitate to buy one now for the reader on your list.

Get the Kindle Paperwhite (11th gen) from Amazon for $139.99

6. Ugg Slippers

Slippers are always a great gift—but this year, it seems they're at the top of everyone's lists as we're spending more time at home. For women, popular styles include the super plush Fluff Yeah slide (which celebrities from Selena Gomez to Madonna are obsessed with) and the Cozette slipper (which sold out at Nordstrom during its annual sale last month). For men, the Ascot slipper continues to be a top seller, with over 13,000 rave reviews on Amazon.

7. Instant Pot

Some things (or rather, some appliances) never go out of style when it comes to gifts. Like the Instant Pot, which is guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser this holiday season yet again. There are plenty of models to choose from but our favorite is the Instant Pot Ultra, which has 10 different cook settings (from pressure cooking to steaming to slow cooking) and can have a meal that usually takes an hour on the table in just 20 minutes. It's perfect for anyone who finds themselves cooking at home more often these days.

Get the Instant Pot Ultra 10-in-1 from Amazon for $134.99

8. Roku Ultra

Anyone who owns a TV could benefit from a Roku Ultra, which delivered the best experience of all the streaming devices we tested. It has an easy-to-use remote and is compatible with nearly every TV, making it a great gift for any person on your list. Psst: If you want one, buy it sooner rather than later—the Roku sold out at many retailers on Black Friday last year.

Get the Roku Ultra from Amazon for $69

9. Fitbit Charge

According to a Gallup poll, one in five people wear a fitness tracker and this year, we could all use some extra motivation to get out of our seats and go for a walk. The Fitbit Charge 5 will help your giftee to do just that. It's performs so well that we crowned it our new favorite fitness tracker, dethroning its predecessor, the Charge 4. It'd make a great gift for anyone who is obsessed with getting fit and healthy in 2022.

Get the Fitbit Charge 5 from Amazon for $178.95

10. Always Pan

Every year, there's always (no pun intended) one cooking product that everyone can't stop talking about. This year, it's the Always Pan from Our Place, which claims to replace eight pieces of cookware and can do everything from sautéing, frying, boiling pasta, and so much more. After testing it, our cooking expert loved how versatile it was as well as how absolutely gorgeous it looked with its terracotta finish and Instagrammable vibe.

Get the Always Pan from Our Place for $99

11. Nintendo Switch

If you've been on the hunt for a Nintendo Switch this year, you're all too aware that it's been hard to find. The popular gaming console—which was a top-selling gift last year, as well—has skyrocketed once again in past months. Stock continues to be limited, so you'll want to scoop one up while you can, or opt for the handheld Nintendo Switch Lite.

Get the Nintendo Switch from Amazon for $299.99

12. Barefoot Dreams Throw Blanket

More time at home means more time to spend cozying up on the couch with a super soft throw blanket. Of all the ones you can buy, the Barefoot Dreams CozyChic Throw Blanket is by far the most popular (and the trendiest!) with celebrities like Chrissy Teigen, the Kardashians, and Selena Gomez raving about it. The blanket will be hard to find in select colors (like the popular animal print), so if you want to get it for someone, act sooner than later.

Get the Barefoot Dreams CozyChic In The Wild Throw Blanket at Nordstrom for $180

13. iRobot Roomba j7+

Home might be where the heart is, but it's also where the clean floors are (or should be). People love robot vacuums because they do your cleaning for you and make life a lot easier—which we could all use this year especially. Our experts put some of the most popular ones to the test and found the Roomba j7+ to be the best thanks to its ability to deftly maneuver around furniture and avoid dog feces with ease. Not to mention, it's highly programmable which means you can set it and forget it to maintain a constantly clean home.

Get the iRobot Roomba j7+ Robot Vacuum from Amazon for $699

14. Loungewear

Loungewear has become a hot commodity now that more people are working from home. Some of the most sought-after pieces include the super soft sets from Lou & Grey, the cult-favorite Nordstrom Moonlight pajamas, and the ever-popular Parachute bathrobe for both men and women (which some of our Reviewed writers own and love!).

15. Laugh & Learn Grow-the-Fun Garden to Kitchen

One of the most popular toys this year according to our experts? This adorable playset, which is recommended for kids 12 to 36 months and has both a garden side and a kitchen side, so kiddos can cook what they "grow." Our parenting editor, Anna Lane, believes this will be a hot item amongst younger kids this year and will probably sell out.

Get the Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Grow-the-Fun Garden to Kitchen from Amazon for $69.98


Don’t get thwarted by shipping delays or sold-out favorites this holiday season. Sign up for our free weekly newsletter and get the product reviews, deals and holiday gift guides you need to start shopping now.

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Prices were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.



The Verge’s favorite holiday gifts under $25


It should go without saying, but the best gifts aren’t always the most expensive. There are plenty of affordable pieces of tech and non-tech items that would make for great gifts or stocking stuffers, which is why we polled The Verge staff to curate a budget-based wishlist that spans our favorite tools, gadgets, and other goodies that can typically be had for around $25 or less.

The responses we got ranged from practical to personal, from helpful to hilarious. Whether you’re in the market for a vest to keep your beverage from getting chilly or chopsticks from a galaxy far, far away, our budget-friendly gift guide is a manifestation of everything that you want, but nothing you need. Even if you’re shopping for yourself instead of someone special, we know that our suggestions will help make your life a little easier or, at the very least, coax out a smile. After all, pens that say what we’re all thinking tend to have that effect on people.

Price Range

$10 to $20 $20 to $25 $25+

Anchor headphone hook

The real estate on your desk is valuable, so stop monopolizing it with your headphones. This hook comes with a secure 3M adhesive and can hold two pairs of headphones wherever you stick it. The sturdy wood and silicon construction also ensures that the hooks will likely outlive whatever you decide to hang on them.
Price: $12

Tile Mate

The Tile Mate, a now-ubiquitous tracking device compatible with Android and iOS, is a fantastic way to keep tabs on anything located within 200 feet of you. You can secure the tiny Bluetooth tracker to just about anything, ensuring that your most important items never go missing.
Price: $25

AirPods cleaning kit

Anyone who has ever looked at their earbuds knows how gross they can get even after just a week of sustained use. With this 203-piece cleaning kit, however, your giftee will never have to tote around a pair of AirPods that look anything less than spotless.
Price: $13

RDS Game Traveler Deluxe Case

Whether you've been a longtime Nintendo Switch owner or recently picked up the new OLED model, it pays to have a protective case to stash it in. Thankfully, this durable hardshell case from RDS Industries can house both your Switch and a cartridge case. There's also an adjustable viewing stand for propping up your Switch while inside — a nice touch given the flimsy kickstand on the original model.
Price: $20

Gerber Shard

Stop opening your Amazon packages with a pen like a scrub and invest in this keychain tool from Gerber. You'll never be without something to poke, prod, pry, or slice something open when the need arises.
Price: $8

Puffin beverage vest

Arguably functional but definitely adorable, the Puffin beverage vest might be the cutest koozie we've ever seen. This beverage accessory is available in a variety of colors and styles, including flannels, parkas, and life vests.
Price: $13

Comfyable slim protective laptop sleeve

A classy sleeve for any 13- to 16-inch laptop, this slim, waterproof, faux-leather cover comes in a variety of colors. The inside lining is also covered in microfiber to prevent scuffs and scratches, making it a great accessory for anyone who wants to add a little professional flair to their laptop.
Price: $19 to $26

Skullcandy Dime

These itty-bitty, inexpensive headphones from Skullcandy come in a wide array of fun colors and feature IPX4 water resistance. Moreover, the true wireless earbuds can last for up to three hours on a single charge or 12 hours with the included charging case.
Price: $26

Manfrotto Pixi Mini Tripod

Not only is Manfrotto's Pixi Mini the cutest of tripods, but it gives you a stable shooting platform for both stationary and mobile use. The featherweight device can easily fit in your back pocket, too, and can even be adapted for use with smartphones.
Price: $23

TP-Link Kasa Smart Plug

This adapter is a quick and simple way to add smart home connectivity to any device that uses a wall outlet. The TP-Link Kasa Smart Plug can pair with Google Assistant and Amazon's Alexa, allowing you to toggle power states with simple voice commands.
Price: $10 to $18

Anxiety Pen Set

The Anxiety Pen Set is the ideal gift for anyone whose life is constantly on fire. Each pack comes with five, medium-tip ballpoint pens, providing just the right amount of levity for when your life is falling apart at the seams.
Price: $12

Turtle Beach Battle Buds

These unique earbuds from Turtle Beach — which are typically on sale for under $25 — are some of the only earbuds that come with their own boom mic. Because they use a 3.5mm audio jack, the Battle Buds are also compatible with any console, and they come packaged with a number of ear tips to ensure a comfortable fit.
Price: $28 to $30

Creative Pebble 2.0 speakers

These diminutive, wired speakers from Creative are a great way to punch up the sound of your laptop without having to put on headphones. The Pebble 2.0 are compatible with any laptop or device that has a USB port and 3.5mm headphone jack, and their small footprint and minimalist design make them perfect for desks of any size.
Price: $20

Echogear On-Wall Surge Protector

Echogear's surge protector lays flat against your existing wall outlet, doubling the number of outlets and adding a pair of USB ports to charge your phone and other gadgets. Perhaps its best feature, however, is that the wall outlets can pivot 45 degrees, which is especially handy when a cord is preventing you from laying something flush against the wall.
Price: $20

Sharper Image Word Clock

It doesn't tell time, it spells it out for you. This LED clock from Sharper Image is a clever little conversation piece available in matte black or wood grain. Perhaps the best feature of this clock, however, is that it uses a USB-C port for power, making it easy to hook up without a dedicated outlet.
Price: $25

Chop Sabers

If you're buying for a foodie who also happens to be a Star Wars fan, a pair of battery-powered Chop Sabers isn't a bad way to go. While it might be tempting to use the light-up chopsticks on a bowl of glass noodles, a more creative application would be to use them to tie up your hair. Just a thought.
Price: $10

Haitral Retro Vintage Table Lamp

For anyone who's a fan of simpler times and rugged design, this industrial desk lamp is the perfect accent to any table or desk. Composed of wood and iron, Haitral's steampunk-inspired lamp is built to last and can accomodate a variety of bulbs.
Price: $20

Tlinna LED coffee thermos

Tlinna's thermos is a smart take on the classic, double-walled design that proliferates coffee shops across the country. The thermos comes in a variety of fun colors, each with an LED display on top of the lid that shows you how hot or cold your liquid is. Plus, each stainless-steel bottle comes with a built-in tea infuser.
Price: $22

Keyboard brush

A more eco-friendly way of cleaning out the crud that accumulates under your keyboard, this soft bristle brush comes with a keycap puller and a wedge-shaped cleaning tip for getting dirt out of those hard-to-reach places without damaging your keyboard.
Price: $14

Nanoleaf Essentials A19 Bulb

For those looking to bring intelligent lighting into their home for just $20, there's Nanoleaf's hub-free smart bulbs. Each LED bulb is compatible with a number of virtual assistants — including Amazon's Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple HomeKit — and can be adjusted to suit a variety of scenes and vibrant colors via the Nanoleaf app or your voice.
Price: $20

Anker PowerCore Slim

If you've got room for a phone, you've got room for the Anker PowerCore Slim. The 1,000mAh battery pack is roughly the same size as your typical smartphone yet provides enough power to top off most phones at least once, ensuring you'll never be without juice when you need it most. Just make sure you have your own USB-C or Micro USB cable to go with it.
Price: $22

Personalized journal

Everyone has at least one obsessive journaler in their life, so why not gift them something that's unique to them? This personalized journal from Etsy has a virtually limitless number of customization options. You can tailor everything from the color to the font to the overall design, making it easy to pick out a notebook that's perfect for your friend or loved one.
Price: $21


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