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I count it a great joy and privilege to share truth about the heavenly Father with you!
  • Do you know God? “Sure I do. I’ve been a Christian for a while!”
But here is the twist—
We say we know God. We think we do. But many do not truly know Him. Not personally. Not intimately. Not as deeply as we could. 
Thankfully, you and your loved ones—and the whole world—can come to know God, and know Him better. Mighty Messages 4 Minute Church is here to share an experience of the real Him, as He reveals Himself to us in the pages of Scripture. We are excited to guide you into a deeper knowledge of the Lord through Hot Topics Boom!

Understanding our Lord’s knowledge, holiness, constant presence, unlimited power, love, and many, many other qualities will bring the truth to each of us more clearly.
Thank You.
God bless you,
Pastor Oscar Smith
Amazon Alexa Special Feature


Hot Topics Boom! Gratitude Reflections


Ganja in Jamaica is running out. A Hot Topic Boom! Breaking News

 Ganja in Jamaica is running out.

Numerous factors have led to a shortage of marijuana in Jamaica, including heavy rain during the last hurricane season, which was followed by a drought. The combination of these destroyed marijuana fields. AP reports that tens of thousands of dollars was lost as a result.

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One farmer claims he lost $18,000 in the last few months and puts this down to a combination of the weather and a COVID-19-related 6pm curfew, which means farmers couldn't sort their crops at nighttime, something which is key in marijuana cultivation.

Other reasons for a weed shortage on the Caribbean island include more people smoking the drug, probably due to it being authorised for medical use and the decriminalisation of being found with small amounts of the drug in 2015. Apparently farmers have even stopped growing because they're struggling to keep up with legal use demand, according to Paul Burke, CEO of Jamaica’s Ganja Growers and Producers Association, while tourists are reportedly posting on travel websites saying they're struggling to find weed to smoke.

Read this next: Bust to boom: How drugs won the war on drugs

Triston Thompson works for Tacaya, a consulting and brokerage firm for Jamaica's legal cannabis industry and described the shortage as a "cultural embarrassment".

Thompson added: “Last year was the worst year. We’ve never had this amount of loss. It’s something so laughable that cannabis is short in Jamaica.”

The Jamaican government's Cannabis Licensing Authority denies that there's a shortage.

Dave Turner is Mixmag's Commercial Content Editor, follow him on 

Yep It’s The Blame Game

 “It’s urban. It’s rural. It’s Democratic. It’s Republican. It’s Black. It’s White.

Yep It’s The Blame Game
By Pastor Oscar Smith
4 Minute Church
Mighty Messages
US records largest annual increase in murders in six decades
National murder rate rises nearly 30%, with figure increasing across all regions and from small towns to cities
What I’m hearing from folks in Nashville. New York, Champaign, Chicago, Oakland, Louisville, St Louis, is that you have very mundane issues that are turning lethal because there is so much anger, and rage, and plenty of guns readily available.
Let’s Face The Truth Fervent Prayer is the Most Powerful Intervention at this Hour!
“The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that you may have life, and have it abundantly!"
“FOR I AM THE DOOR. Nations will come to My light, and kings to the brightness of My dawn" (Isaiah 60:1-3).

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Dramatic video shows volcano spewing 'tsunami of lava' after Atlantic island hit by 100 earthquakes overnight


  • The Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma, Canary Islands, has been erupting since September 19th. 
  • A new "tsunami of lava" has poured from the volcano, caused by earthquakes. 
  • So far, over 7000 people have fled their homes. 

A 4.5 magnitude earthquake on October 14 caused a new river of lava to gush from the volcano.

A Canary Islands Volcanology Institute spokesperson said the latest eruption had caused a "lava tsunami," which they caught on camera on Friday.


The video shows magma - which sits at temperatures around 1075 Celcius - with high viscosity rolling into La Palma, where over 7.36 square kilometers have been submerged by the lava, according to the EU Copernicus Emergency Management Service.


The 4.5 magnitude quake was the strongest to hit the island out of 100 that occurred in 24 hours, according to Reuters. 

The eruption began on September 19, and more than 7000 people have had to abandon their homes. There have been no casualties.

There is a concern, however, about the amount of sulfur dioxide emitted from the eruption.

Clouds of toxic smoke - which can cause breathing difficulties - have reached the Caribbean and neighboring European countries.

Scientists cannot predict when the eruption will end, volcanologist Robin George Andrews writes in The Times. 4 Minute Church


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